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What is the OPTIFAST® Program?

OPTIFAST® is a flexible meal replacement programe, scientifically formulated for the dietary management of obesity. The OPTIFAST® Program allows you to choose from 4 levels, tailoring your weight loss plan to your goals. Where you start will depend on your goals, medical history and lifestyle.

With a wide range of flavours and formats, you can choose products that suit your tastes and lifetyle. OPTIFAST® Shakes, Soups and Bars can be used to replace any meal - whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Recommended for use under healthcare professional supervision

Who is suitable for OPTIFAST®

The OPTIFAST® Program is suitable for:

Individuals with a BMI greater than 30, or a BMI greater than 27+ risk factors

-Poor mobility

-Weight reduction prior to surgery or the need to improve an obesity-related medical condition, such as diabetes.

-Need to break food habits that are inhibiting them from losing weight

- Individuals who have struggled with making sustainable lifestyle modifications

- Inability to achieve sufficient weight loss through current dietary management

- Unsuccessful dieting for many years

Where can I purchase OPTIFAST®?

You can find it here

What are the OPTIFAST® products and flavours?

Shakes (Vanilla, Chocolate & Strawberry)

Bars (Berry Crunch)

How much water do I need to drink?

You need to consume a minimum of 2 litres per day to ensure a nutritionally balanced diet. Drinking water will keep you hydrated and help you during the weight loss journey especially as your body starts to lose weight.

Is coffee allowed while following the OPTIFAST® Program?

Yes, you can drink non-caloric liquids. Find out here the additional foods you can consume during each phase of the OPTIFAST® Program

Can I chew calorie-free gum during the program?

Yes, you can chew sugar free gum.

Will I need vitamin supplements while using OPTIFAST®?

No, OPTIFAST® is formulated to support all your needs from Micro nutrients as per the RDI (Recommended Daily Intake)

Can I skip meals during the program?

OPTIFAST® works by using your fat stores as source of Energy. In the first 3-5 days, this will cause Ketosis which may make you feel fatigue. OPTIFAST® meal replacements are important to ensure you have the required balance of macronutrients, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins

At what age can I use the OPTIFAST® Program?

OPTIFAST® can be used from the age of 18 years, providing you have a BMI greater than 30 or 27+ risk factors. Find out more on these risk factors here.

How much weight will I lose?

During the Intensive phase of the OPTIFAST® Program, on average men lose 1.5-2.5kg per week and women lose 1-2kg per week. With medical supervision, weight loss of around 15-20kg may be experienced over a 12-week period. It is common to see a larger amount of weight loss in the first week of the program. The weight loss in the second week will give you an idea of what to expect ongoing.